Andrey Kukuryan
Department for Logistics Project Manager with agiplan since 2006
Professional experience
Manager | SBS-Logistics, Moscow
Consultant | LSLab, Moscow
Project manager | Agiplan, Moscow
Focus of activities
- Industrial parks planning
- Logistics centers planning
- Logistics technology (warehouses) expert
- Project management
Selected reference projects
- Participation in more than 20 projects on development of concepts and master-plans of Industrial and logistics parks in different regions of Russia
- Modernization of production for welding assemblies | KMBP (Kopeysk Machine Building Plant), Chelyabinsk, Russia
- Development of logistics systems | Tikhvin Freight Car building plant, Tikhvin, Russia
- Financial and technical expert review of the long-term development program | Concern Tractor Plants, Cheboksary, Russia
- Elaboration of storage concept and warehousing site master-planning | Henkel, Moscow, Russia
- Development of the new Warehouse and organization of the warehouse transfer | Schneider Electric, Moscow, Russia
- Development of the concept of Industrial and logistics parks development in Sverdlovsk region | Sverdlovsk region Government, Ekaterinburg, Russia